And I'll be the greatest fan of your life....

Thursday, July 29, 2004

Well, this picture shows a one view of Melbourne CDB (Central District business) from south bank of Yarra River on a clear-afternoon day in the winter. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 27, 2004

My recent visit to my previous campus, La Trobe University and also the very final stay for Dimas (middle) in Australia.
Posted by Hello

Sunday, July 25, 2004

Cold War Part Deux???....

Starts from tomorrow morning, my life are changed a little bit. No more, wake up in the dark-cold-freezing morning again, although I am starts to enjoy it a little bit. I think that if it is possible, I will start to look for the same job again in another place. Let us see it, OK? Today, it is almost a week since the uncomfortable situation happens with them and I assume that I will be fine though. I just think that I must be prepare for the continuing and gloomy "Cold War Part Deux" here:D

OK, what do think about this? When we're live together at the same place but we're not succeed to built a better communication deeds, what should we do then? Do you have any idea? I know one smart idea, lets kick'em outta here, dude:D Yeah right, that's will happens in my wildest dream though: I know that I'll never be at the same situation as we used to be, but at least I know exactly where I stand up against them, not to mention about their bothersome attitude since I know them! I'm not saying that they're so bad either, It's just that the way we're handle one issue is different. Sometimes we're agree on one thing, sometimes don't. That's the problem! Let's hope that this is will ended in a better situation. OK? Another bigger thing to think about is that I still don't have any idea yet on my "topic" and the time is already running now for me to finish it. I hope that in the upcoming week I can manage to make it into reality and worked it throughout this semester! I didn't have much to say for now I didn't have any desire to write a long story, but next time I will. Take care, and for you too, ciao!

Friday, July 23, 2004

We're not living alone...

Do you know why we are always trying to speak about someone's bad attitudes or habits on their back? Never trying to speak directly to them? Are we afraid they will not like us anymore or we just do not want to hurt their feeling? Many answers will rise from these type of questions for sure:D Why don't we just ignore it and continues our own life? Well, whatever we choose and do about all of these questions, one thing will always comes up. We are not living alone! We cannot act as if nothing happens with everything around our life, especially when it will affect our life. How we are going to deal with it and make the good from it will surely helps us to improve our life and others around it. Of course, it is not an easy task to do and takes time. Be patience, think logically and open minded may helps you to overcome it.

I'm not saying this because I'm good at it, in fact, I'm still learn how to do it correctly. My life is not runs smoothly for the past two weeks and I need to fix it fast and move on with my life. Wish I can find the best way to handle it:D

The upcoming weeks probably will show me the result whether I can handle it correctly or not. In fact, because of one's big mouth words, it makes me like a convicted person in everyone's views.  We will see about that, OK? Not much to say now, I'll catch up with you later. Take care, ciao.

Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Out of the Blue...

I must say that one little unexpected thing can turn a whole thing upside down! There no given sign of that happens but the effect of it can make your darkest nightmare comes true!:D Well, I just want to say don't underestimate a tiny little thing that happens in your life. Sometimes it can make a big impact on your life! The way you cope with it will determines whether you are ready or not when you're in the real world! Let's just say that I'm already have it and to tell you the truth, the way I handle it is not satisfy me at all! Anyway, I don't want to talk too much about it! I'll see what happen next and also I'll put extra attention about it while I'm preparing my "topic" for the next semester:D Well, I still don't know from where I must start it but I think in this week I'll have some definite idea about it. Hopefully:D
OK, how about the other situation that happens on me lately? Cold-freezing day for the last three days makes my finger almost cannot feels anything! Brrrrrrr.......5 degree Celsius! Lucky that we doesn't have snow over the city! But soon this is will ends and I can enjoy my sleep again:D How about you En? I've read your post:D Seems like you have a good weekend:D OK, take care then and see you soon, OK? Ciao!


Saturday, July 17, 2004

Cold but good weekend...

Well, last week especially weekend is the hardest day for each week. That because newspaper has a huge amount of papers inside it and also the weather is cold-bloody freezing in the early morning. Plus a cold-dripping rains and strong winds, make my days was completely "good":D 8 degree Celcius in the morning!!! and yesterday is almost 5 degree Celcius! Well, I'm sure everybody will choose to stay longer under the blanket then:D Anyway, I don't think that I'll go up into the mountains now although it's good for those who loves snow. I'm still trying to get time and money for that to make it happen:D Let's see OK?
I think I'll loose another two friends here because they're gonna back for good! But i'm sure that everything happens between us will brings good memories and nothing can replace the value of togetherness in the future. Wishing all the best for you guys and hope we can see each other in the better situation. Lucky that I'll not completely loose contact with them though:D
And for the "topic"? Whoa...time is running fast and i'm still have no concrete idea about that! I must get it by the end of this week! Need to think fast to get one good topic:D Weekend is not bad at all with a free ticket and a good meal. I don't think that I'll tell all the detail about it here, but if necessary I'll tell youabout it:D OK, I'll cacth up with you later, take care, ciao!

Friday, July 16, 2004

The works takes it's toll on me...

Damn it! I did it again...I am even didn't realize it! I must apologize you for this! Anyway the work really takes its toll on me today! It drains my energy to the minimum level and almost make me wake up late this morning to do another job. Fortunately, yesterday is the last day and thank god I made the right decision to leave early, otherwise I'll have a completely different story for today:D
I don't think that I'll have a bunch of interesting stories to tell you now because for almost all the day after finishing the job, I spent the entire morning and afternoon on the bed again until 4.30pm before actually I start my day by going to the shower and make a cup of hot tea, bla...bla..bla! Oh yes, one interesting thing this morning, do you ever seen or know someone who spent his entire morning time job drinking? Well, my boss did it and actually I'm understand why he did that. I don't mind though:D And for tomorrow, it's a big and hard day as Saturday all of the newspaper brings lots of papers! And heavy as well:D And to make it worst,
bad weather for tomorrow morning! How about that?
Well, the show must go on, isn't it? One thing for sure, I still cannot stands the weather here after spends almost two years! I'll think about it on my sleep then. OK, that's it for now, until then take care buddy,ciao!

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

which one is taller?
Posted by Hello

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Needs Better Understanding...

As far as I can remember, for the past one week I've been through some of the emotional experience that I thought it's affect me in some way. I think all of that helps me to deepen my understanding about different types of human personality and how to deal with it. It's more frustrating when we're trying to confront it with our logical thought than we just accept it as it was. We're here not to make other people to accept and follow our thought but we're here to share our thought and to live the life as we're enjoy it (from where the hell is this thought comes from...:D ) Ok, hopefully I can accept it as the way we're share our life with others and make the best from it, ok buddy?

Let's face it. I am not rich enough to follow other lifestyle. I didn't say that I cannot afford it, but all I want to say is every one brings their own fate. I must not complaining about that, right? *sigh*....I think that I can life with that:D

How about my day? Not bad as I've part-time jobs and with that comes the money too:D Except that I didn't have much time to prepare the writing materials. Hopefully I can do it in the next week. How about you En? Enjoy your day? Or It becomes your "nightmare"? Well, I know you can do it. Cheers for the new era in your life:D Ok, I think that enough for now...take care,ciao!

Monday, July 05, 2004

Unclear Sight...

It is not easy every time when we are trying to make a prediction about what a good thing or bad thing that will happen to us today, as we are not have power over our destiny (or should we call it assurance?), isn't it? No, I'm not trying to be a psychic here or clairvoyant over my life. Let it happens naturally, although I wish I can know it beforehand. I hope that everything will runs as expected and nothing bad happens:D But real life is not like that, right? Be prepare for everything even if you are not ready to face it. Now, I think I need some big steps to make a new start over the next few months. I need to get a clear and right idea on how to finish next semester:D I hope that in the next few weeks I can find it.

Ok, I think I am also need a new way to look over my life here. I do need to think clear on what should I do next after I come back and where should I stay. But I'll put on hold for now because everything isn't clear yet. Hopefully soon I will know it. For now I'll focus on next semester and get another job. For how long? I think it'll just enough to adds some extra money into my pocket:D By the way, is there anybody know how to make a formal letter in business-like forms? Well, let me know if anybody know on how to make it right:D I'm really appreciate it.

For the past couple days, I'm completely needs extra time to sleep. Not enough though, and make my day is like a sleepy-walking person in the middle of a great windstorm. What the hell is that??:D Well, I hope all of this will ends soon. Ok, I hope you can also take care yourself. See you in a better situation, Ciao.

Saturday, July 03, 2004

The Recipe for...

Do you know what the recipe to keep a relationship alive and last forever? Long enough to remember that we're still together with the same person? Well I bet we're not having the truest answers for that, right? Well, I'll not mention someone in particular although I want to do that but perhaps it is better to keep it out this way. I think a good understanding and willingness to listen to each other opinions and ideas will surely leads into builds a close relationships that will last forever. Ego is one obstacle in the process (this idea was taken after I spent a close and long conversation...Surprise eh?) Well, actually I don't want to talk too deep about this. I just want to make a reflection based on my experience that I thought it will help in some way to everyone who wants to strengthen their bonds with someone special:D

OK, I thought It's been awhile since my last post, not to mention about suspending my connection due to unpaid bill, somehow it's irritate me because I am only have to pay the small amount but the effect from it, I have to feel it too...and yes, another problem, I think I'll try another way to put a tagboard in my blog!

OK then...Not much for now, take care,ciao!